ID: com.phonegap.parkjunkies
Size: 0 Mb
Park Junkies Screenshots
How to install Park Junkies apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Park Junkies Details
With Park Junkies you can explore your favorite park in a new way.Use the map to navigate through the park.
You do not only see yourself on the map. Guess what ! You also see your
friends. In realtime. And any other junky using this app.
Use the speedo to measure, how fast you ride.
ATTENTION: Put your smartphone safely into your pocket before ride.
Just leave the app open. It measures constantly your acceleration, speed,
height and other features. In the end you can see your personal
"Butterfly Factor" !
Only if you want to see your friends on the map, you must provide your
phone number and your contacts list. If you don't provide your phone number,
your contacts aren't read either.
You even can use this app without internet connection.
Simply browse on the map to park, while you are at home. Then you have the
map in cache for about 24 hours.
And you can use it anywhere: Disney World, Six Flags, Universal Orlando, Hersheypark, King's Island and all other Amusement Parks
What's new in Park Junkies
- Directions for all devices- better Factor Computation
- Analytics
- Small bugfixes
Download Park Junkies mod APK
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How to use Park Junkies unlimited apk
How to mod Park Junkies apk
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