Name: My Cart.apk
Version: 1.1
Size: 0 Mb
My Cart Screenshots
How to install My Cart apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
My Cart Details
Markets and shops have many shining products that capture the customers’ attentions. Theproducts’ advertisements are increasing and the way of representing them are enhancing in a way
that leads the customer to buy the product even when he/she does not need it. Eventfully, the
customer will pay more and in some cases he/she will go through an embarrassing situation where
he/she needs to return some stuff at the cashier lane. My Cart provides the solution in such cases.
My Cart is a mobile application that allows its user to keep track on his/her purchases and the
amount of total cost of everything in the user’s cart while he/she is shopping. The user of My Cart
should be able to add items to his/her cart by scanning their bar-codes. The details of the product
will be retrieved and shown on the screen. The user will be able to specify the quantity of the new
item. After adding the item, it will be shown in the cart’s item list. User will be able to edit or
delete items from the list. The total cost will always appear at the users screen. Any change on the
item list will change the total price. The functionality of clearing the whole cart will be available
* the user can :
Insert a new product.
Specify the product’s name.
Specify the product’s price.
Specify the product’s picture.
Specify the product’s quantity.
Delete a product from the application store.
Delete a product from the cart.
Clear all products from the cart.
Modify the product information from the store.
See the bill details (product name, price and quantity).
See the total price on the main page.
What's new in My Cart 1.1
Arabic language addedDownload My Cart 1.1 unlimited APK
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How to get My Cart patch 1.1 apk for bluestacks
How to use My Cart unlimited apk
How to mod My Cart 1.1 apk
How to get My Cart mod apk